@article{oai:kutarr.kochi-tech.ac.jp:00000249, author = {大内, 雅博}, issue = {4}, journal = {土木学会論文集F4}, month = {Dec}, note = {最近30年間におけるセメント消費量の地域差におよぼす人口増加率の影響度合いを,土木・民需建築・官公需建築の3種類の建設需要発生要因ごとに明らかにした.各5年間ごとのセメント消費量の,前年度末時点での累積セメント消費量に対する比率の年間平均値として定義したコンクリート増加率をセメント需要の指標とした.各都道府県における各用途のコンクリート増加率,全世代人口1人当たりのコンクリート増加率および生産年齢人口1人当たりのコンクリート増加率を求め,全国をまとめて1地域とした場合の1人当たり平均値とのバラツキを定量化した.最近10年間においては土木向けと民需建築向けのセメント需要における生産年齢人口1人当たりのコンクリート増加率のバラツキが最も小さくなった.Inter-regional difference in demand for construction in Japan for recent 30 years (1980 to 2010) was examined in terms of consumption of cement for each purpose in Japan and an effectiveness of increasing rate of concrete per capita of productive age population (15 to 64 years old) was verified. The author has already defined the increasing rate of concrete as the ratio of the consumption of cement in a year to the accumulation up to the previous year. The purpose of consumption of cement was classified into civil engineering, private buildings and public (government and municipal) buildings. Three types of indices were employed and the values for each purpose and prefecture in each year were obtained: increasing rate of concrete, increasing rate of concrete per capita, and increasing rate of concrete per capita of productive age population. The change of the coefficient of variation that was obtained as the ratio of the standard deviation to the average value was obtained for each purpose for recent 30 years was obtained. The in-creasing rate of concrete per capita of productive age population was found to be the smallest and almost level off of the three indices for civil engineering structures and private buildings and its effectiveness was verified.}, pages = {I_231--I_242}, title = {セメント消費量の都道府県間差への人口増減の影響度合いに関する建設需要発生要因別の考察}, volume = {68}, year = {2012} }