@inproceedings{oai:kutarr.kochi-tech.ac.jp:00000918, author = {Kurata, Hirotoshi and Watanabe, Tsunemi}, book = {Society for Social Management Systems Internet Journal}, issue = {1}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the basin of Monobe river, one of the major rivers in Kochi prefecture in Japan, environmental conditions are being worsened. In those environmental problems, draught water flow is especially a fundamental issue because it often decouples and decreases habitat of water creatures. Draught water flow is caused by water right and dam operation rule with emphasis on hydraulic power generation and flood control. In our study, the authors focused on dam operation. Purpose of this study is to quantify tradeoff relationship between hydraulic power generation and protection of river environment. The authors simulated dam operation to evaluate hydraulic power impact for power generation and river environment by changing dam operation rule.}, publisher = {Society for Social Management Systems}, title = {Optimization of Dam Operation Rule to Improve Water Environment in Monobe River}, volume = {4}, year = {2008} }