@inproceedings{oai:kutarr.kochi-tech.ac.jp:00000930, author = {Nielsen, Kris R.}, book = {Society for Social Management Systems Internet Journal}, issue = {1}, month = {Mar}, note = {The current economic conditions are expected to induce a global level of infrastructure construction unlike anything that has occurred before in human history-$35 Trillion in the next two decades. Japan and China as the two largest economies in Asia, and two of the four largest in the world have a unique opportunity to create unprecedented levels of expertise. The expertise also can allow both countries to create a services-oriented export industry commensurate with the size of their respective economies to the global economy by creating a management system for infrastructure construction in their domestic economies. This result will necessitate changes and gaining experience that can be sold and performed in the global market for infrastructure construction. Drawing upon extensive research and personnel experience in Japan and China, the author proposes changes that are outlined in his book (written in Japanese) entitled: “Endangered Species, The Japanese Construction Industry.” Suggestions include a change from an underlying philosophy of “mutual trust” to the predominant philosophy of “mutual mistrust” that is used in the rest of the world. Thus, the domestic construction industries of Japan and China can prepare themselves the successfully compete in the huge global market by developing construction management and contract administration competency that is not possible at the current time.}, publisher = {Society for Social Management Systems}, title = {A Management System for Infrastructure Construction : Meeting the Needs of the Next Two Decades}, volume = {5}, year = {2009} }